Hassle free eZ Publish setup
This is not another how to setup Ubuntu to run eZ Publish guide...well not really. One of the biggest hurdles when getting started with eZ Publish is successfully installing the CMS. This process often fails because the system on which it is being installed is not configured correctly. If you do not have a helpful systems administrator handy it can be quite difficult to get past the initial steps. There are a number of solutions that allow you to manage the configuration of computer systems. Two of the most popular are Puppet & Chef . These systems allow you to create "recipes" of how systems should be setup. I've put together a eZ Publish module for Puppet that: Configures a system suitable to run eZ Publish Setup Virtual Hosts configured to run eZ Publish Sets up a Database Downloads eZ Publish Configures a kickstart.ini file It's a bit like a guide to setting up eZ publish on Ubuntu but doesn't require you to manually follow the ...