eZ Publish 4.2 to include Star Rating module
Prior to this years eZ conference I was approached by eZ systems to allow for my Star Rating module to be included in the eZ Publish distribution. All and all it was a pretty painless process that simply required the signing of the Contributor Licence Agreement (CLA) . The CLA is an interesting legal document as it doesn't specify the particular piece of software that it refers to. I was informed that this is by design as it's intended to be a general agreement where specifics are communicated seperately. eZ Systems have created a new project for eZ Star Rating on the eZ Projects site where a number of improvments have been made, including: Given it the eZ treatment, better comments, cleaned up code formatting Removed references for full 4.x compatability Changed from xajax to ezjscore + yui3 for ajax calls Merged rating code from ezcore / ezyui Code cleanup (cs & phpdoc and code name conventions) Added fetch operators Added postgresql support Added internationalisati...