
Showing posts from March, 2008

Git and eZ Approve 2: checking in

My membership of the e Z Approve 2 project has been given the green light so as a follow up to my previous post Using Git with eZ Publish projects I can present the output of the commits back to the subversion repository. $ git-svn dcommit Authentication realm: eZ projects Password for 'zabbie': A design/standard/templates/node/view/plain.tpl Committed r2501 M eventtypes/event/ezapprove2/ezapprove2type.php Committed r2502 M classes/ezxapprovestatususerlink.php Committed r2503 M collaboration/ezapprove2/ezapprove2collaborationhandler.php Committed r2504 M collaboration/ezapprove2/ezapprove2collaborationhandler.php Committed r2505 A design/standard/templates/node/view/plain.tpl r2501 = e5a186160c1fab07a2894d180f932e3a6931b782 (git-svn) M eventtypes/event/ezapprove2/ezapprove2type.php r2502 = 43c5b3ba16bf4015ee8f9c2f2a1a9e4d4333972d (git-svn) M classes/ezxapprovestatususerlin...